Reading on the Anti-war-day with Frank Scheerer, Vera Rosenbusch, Christina Oskui, Angelika Oppenheimer and Reimer Eilers (Copyright: VS Hamburg)
Since 2008 I am regularly doing public readings and have already recorded two web readings for the local cultural office.
I was happy to consult on Ruth Frobeens novels “Midgets on the wall / Mücken an der Wand”, “Dorothy und der Parfümeur / Dorothy and the perfumer”, “Lil Bob” and “Irmelin Fuchs“. Ruth is writing amazing books with a very special language and magical protagonists.
Being one of the publishers of “Fluchtpunkt Hamburg – Texte im Exil“, “Hummeln im Mors” in the publishing house Telegonos, “Wir haben Wölfe gehört” in the publishing house Verlag Kulturmaschinen and “Von Menschen und Masken“ also in the Kulturmaschinen Verlag I am also organizing the concept and proof reading as well as the public readings.