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Theater offers by Esther Kaufmann
“Edels Garten” with Charlotte Pfeiffer
(copyright: Laura Afolter)


The intensity of stage work has been fascinating me ever since I was little. Today I am writing and developing plays for the theatre. Also I am consulting for stage projects and with my artist collective THEATERBOX I’m responsible for fundraising and project management as well. Also I have a great network and a good connection to the cultural politicians.

I especially love developing new formats and am always thinking participative. With sound dramaturgical methods I am happy to untie the knots within concepts and constellations of rehearsals. My own plays focus on playfully questioning social norms. I always have an eye on the youngest audience and love the challenge of funny kids theatre which takes the small ones seriously.

Project management:

Besides the content-related work, I am also experienced in project management for theatre productions because being a freelancer I love organizing and keeping an eye on the big picture anyways. I take care of fundraising and financial procedures with my good communication skills and transparent time management.

This way I have the chance to make projects happen according to my very own vision and the needs of my own team. I take on this responsibility f.e. for my artist collective THEATERBOX and the area of fundraising for the German writers guild / Verband Deutscher SchriftstellerInnen. Additionally I was responsible for the theatre part of the Wutzrock festival and I built the youth video platform Bettermakers for the Hamburger Initiative für Menschenrechte as the project manager.

“Vikis Geheimnis” with Meike Lehmann

(copyright: Azizah Hocke / THEATERBOX)

Esther-Kaufmann-mit-Julius-Jensen-THEATERBOX-Wilhelmsburger-Wintemarchen-Reise-durch-Schlaraffien-Honigfabrik Angelika Baumgartner
“Schlarrafien” with Angelika Baumgartner

(copyright: Azizah Hocke / THEATERBOX)


Within my own plays, I want to encourage the audience to start thinking and dive deeply into the content. Because to me theatre in itself is an extremely open art form with a lot of freedom to work very associativity.

I prefer fictional narration to pure performance whoever the audience is (kids, teens or grown-ups) I focus of telling a story and take my audience seriously without forgetting the funny aspects.


Working as a dramaturgical consultant I love the collaborative process of development. I like to work with all kinds of theatre people and am experienced in respectfully and efficiently including amateurs. My skills in project management helps me to keep a production on track even in times of crisis.

I love most to help theatre teams with my passion for strong plays, innovative ways of tackling things and the input of my profound research work.

THEATERBOX-Team with Anna Meyer, Moritz Grabbe, Azizah Hocke, Christopher Ammann, Patricia Royo and Johannes Nehlsen

(copyright: Azizah Hocke / THEATERBOX)

“Esther Kaufmann has a sharp analytic view on dramatically creative processes which allows her team to improvise and try things without ever feeling lost. Also she provides a warm atmosphere which keep her team members working closely and happily together.”
Christopher Ammann (actor)
“It was very great working with you. You organize everything very clearly and are very helpful. I like the way you work as a team and how you make decisions as a team.”
Solomiia Dyshliuk (Voice Artist)
“The results of our very relaxed and great work together was a theatre play about the life of Albert Ballin, which in my opinion was a prefect play. The collaboration with Esther was especially great because she came up with the genius idea of making the play on site at the historical museum and she was so professional in writing all the scenes.”
Hans Dijk (Dutch historian and project initiator of “My field is the world – Ballin, the emperor’s shipowner)
” Esther is a extremely reliable person, who can come up fast, precise and honste with new impulses and really help us move forward. Also she is a loving mum and a living example that in a great marriage it is possible to live 50/50 and that the love for you kids and your job and exist side by side. For challenges that makes others back off she is fats in finding great solutions and also never forgets to offer ways of going through with her ideas- never missing an amazing knowledge about words and language.””
Annika Mendrala (opera singer and board member of Bühnenmütter e.V.)